I could be wrong but here goes. Remember that his party controls both the House and the Senate so it’s really going to be hard for people to believe that him saying it’s the Democrats fault will be hard to swallow for almost everyone but his hard-core followers.
Tariffs cause prices to rise. Immigrants leaving food processing plants and farms will cause food prices to soar. The social unrest that he will cause and allow will erode the confidence and feeling of safety for most Americans. People around the world will stop traveling to the US affecting that industry. But FAR MORE importantly, the super-rich, who before and around the election, were riding a gravy train, will at some point see their profits eroding very fast and will abandon him in droves and pressure him to restore old policies. If all of this happens and the Repubs lose big time in the 2026 elections, he will have NO support from anyone. He’ll be alone outside a few super-loyal minions and he’ll just go even more nuts and will be impeached OUT OF OFFICE.
That’s just my possible scenario. But who really knows? His behavior is so erratic and his thoughts so unpredictable…who knows? I just don’t think that it will go well at all.