By Ifham Nizam
The Disaster Management Centre (DMC) yesterday warned the public to be cautious of possible adverse health conditions due to rising temperature.
This trend is expected to continue for more than a week or so.
A senior head of the DMC said the Heat Index had increased in some parts of the Northern, North-Central, North-Western and Eastern Provinces and the Moneragala and Hambantota districts.
The Heat Index Forecast is calculated by using relative humidity and maximum temperature.
“This is not the forecast of the maximum temperature. It is generated by the Department of Meteorology for the next day period and prepared by using global numerical weather prediction model data,” the official said.
The public is advised to consume sufficient amounts of water, avoid the sun as far as possible and keep an eye on children, the elderly and the sick.
The DMC warns that children should not be left in vehicles unattended. People are also advised to wear light-colored clothes.
Meanwhile, the Department of Meteorology has said even the air temperature is very high these days. The highest temperature of 38 degrees Celsius has been recorded from Mullaitivu. Temperature has risen to 35 degrees Celsius. The temperature in Vavuniya, Trincomalee and Polonnaruwa exceeded 34 degrees Celsius yesterday afternoon.
The reasons cited for the rise in temperature are the declining wind flow and excess humidity in the atmosphere.