Ministry Secretary makes contradictory statement



Indo-Lanka road and rail link:

In the wake of Foreign Minister and Cabinet Spokesperson Vijitha Herath’s declaration that decision on controversial Indian projects would be taken up after the parliamentary election on Nov 14, Environment Secretary Prabath Chandrakeerthi, in an interview with Mint has said the discussions are in the final stages for a $5 billion road-and-rail link between India and Sri Lanka with India set to bear the cost of the stra­tegic project.

This is the first big bilat­eral infra­struc­ture project announced by Sri Lanka since the recent election of President Anura Kumara Dissanayake amidst efforts by New Delhi to counter Chinese influence, according to Mint.

India is Sri Lanka’s largest trade partner and one of the largest foreign direct investment (FDI) contributors. Indian invest­ment in Sri Lanka amounted to about $142 mil­lion in 2021.

“Last month, I participated in one meeting with India in New Delhi, and we are going to establish the highway and railway line connectivity between Rameswaram in India and Trincomalee in Sri Lanka,” B. K. Prabath Chandrakeerthi told Mint. “This is being planned as businessmen in both countries have to pay more and with the road and rail connectivity, both parties can get help because it will help in trade with European and other countries. Indian businessmen can also get some benefits from Sri Lanka as well,” Chandrakeerthi said.

“Last month I participated in one meet­ing with India in New Delhi, and we are going to estab­lish the high­way and railway line connectivity between Rameswaram in India and Trincomalee in Sri Lanka,” B. K. Prabath Chandrakeerthi told Mint. “This is being planned as busi­ness­men in both countries have to pay more and with the road and rail connectivity, both parties can get help because it will help in trade with European and other coun­tries. Indian busi­ness­men can also get some benefits from Sri Lanka as well,” Chandrakeerthi added.

The Sri Lankan government proposed a land bridge between Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu of India and Talaimannar, a village in Mannar Island of Sri Lanka in 2002 and signed an agreement on it.

As per the agree­ment, road and rail bridge links were to be developed, offer­ing eco­nomic benefits to both sides of the Palk Strait. However, after the agreement was signed, the Tamil Nadu government opposed the construction of the land bridge.

As per the agreement, road and rail bridge links were to be developed, offer­ing eco­nomic bene­fits to both sides of the Palk Strait. However, after the agreement was signed, the Tamil Nadu government opposed the construction of the land bridge.

The talks resumed in 2015 when India asked the Asian Devel­op­ment Bank to carry out pre-feasibility study for fin­an­cing a road and rail link between India’s Rameswaram and Sri Lanka’s Talaimannar. But it has been decided to build the rail and road link up to Trincomalee, the offi­cial informed.

There is no land connection between Sri Lanka and India through road or railway. The closest Indian town to Sri Lanka, Dhanushkodi, had a rail­way sta­tion but this was washed out in a cyc­lone in 1964. A short boat ride till 1966 connected the rail­way sta­tions at Talaimannar in Sri Lanka and Dhanushkodi in India.

“The cost of the project is still not final­ized. We have to have more dis­cus­sion about that, but I think it is estim­ated to be nearly $5 billion,” the Lankan official said, and added: “It will entirely be borne by the Indian government. We have to get some approval for environmental clearance.”

He said the project may involve bridges and underwa­ter tun­nels to allow unhindered movement of ships.

Queries sent to the spokespeople and secretaries of Indian road transport and highways, ports, shipping and waterways, railways, external affairs and environment ministries remained unanswered at the time of going to press.
