FEATURES ‘Sinhala Buddhist nationalism vs. liberal civil society’ debate on the left Published 39 mins ago on 2023/06/28
Aswesuma: Learn from the past
Govt. hoping to restructure $17 bn foreign debts within 5-year term: President
BJP Embraces Tamil Diaspora
Overstressing The Proposed Truth & Reconciliation Commission
The week of the dreaded DDR
None seem to want to know what next
Wednesday, 28 June 2023 00:50 - - 46 Kumar Ponnambalam The cold-blooded killing of former All Ceylon Tamil Congress (ACTC) leader and well-known lawyer Kumar Ponnambalam in Colombo on 5 January 2000 sent shock waves throughout Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan Diaspora when it happened 23 years ago. Gaasinather Gangesar Ponnambalam known popularly as
Cabinet nod for UAE firm’s $ 25m luxury resort on Maussakale Reservoir
Govt. goes for $ 500 m WB Group loan for budget support