Seven Senior DIGs including Lalith Pathinayake and Ajith Rohana who are competing for the post of Inspector General of Police (IGP) have been transferred with immediate effect due to service requirements by the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Security under the covering approval of the National Police Commission.
Accordingly, Lalith Pathinayake was transferred as Senior DIG in charge of Central from Police Field Force Headquarters while Ajith Rohana was transferred as SDIG Eastern Province from SDIG in charge of Southern Province.
Crimes and Traffic Division Senior DIG L.K.W.K. Silva has been transferred to the Police Field Force Headquarters.
Also, Senior DIG in charge of Central Province, Priyantha Weerasuriya has been appointed as SDIG Crimes and Traffic from the Central Province while Sajeewa Medawata was transferred as SDIG Southern Province from the Sabaragamuwa Province.
Meanwhile, Senior DIG in charge of the Eastern Province Kithsiri Jayalath and Senior DIG Ranmal Kodithuwakku were also among the transferred senior officers. (Darshana Sanjeewa Balasuriya)